Unable to change the inner diameter or outer margin of the printed disc. (PTPublisher Mac)

Article ID: 44671  

Unable to change the inner diameter or outer margin of the printed disc. (PTPublisher Mac)



Unable to change the inner diameter or outer margin of the printed disc. (PTPublisher Mac)

1. Make sure the image you are printing does not already have the inner diameter or outer margin built into the image.  Some designers add the cropped inner circle and outer margin into the design using their design program.  This is not necessary.  Our printers only require a 4.72" (120mm) square.

2. If Disc Cover is used to design the label, make sure the size as shown in the inspector is set to Printable Disc (Full Coverage).  If the inspector is not visible, go to the Window menu - choose show inspector.

3. If you are not able to move the slider bars for inner diameter or outer margin in PTPublisher, your preference files may have become corrupted.  Close PTPublisher and delete the following files.  Open PTPublisher again once they are deleted.  The preference files will be restored to their factory defaults.

OS 10.7 - 10.8  - The necessary folder is hidden! Select the Go Menu - Go to Folder - Type ~/Library - Now you can browse to the "Preferences" folder.

OS 10.6 - Hard Drive - Users - <current user> - Library – Preferences

Delete these files:

  • com.primera.PTPublisher.plist
  • com.primera.PTSDK.plist

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Views: 7587 Created on: May 24, 2014