> Knowledge base> Article: How do I gather logging information (Tech Support Report) for Primera Tech Support? (CX1200/CX1000/F

How do I gather logging information (Tech Support Report) for Primera Tech Support? (CX1200/CX1000/FX1200)

Article ID: 44561 Print
How do I gather logging information (Tech Support Report) for Primera Tech Support? (CX1200/CX1000/FX1200)



How do I gather logging information (Tech Support Report) for Primera Tech Support? (CX1200/CX1000/FX1200) 

To create a tech support report, follow these instructions:


1. Open the Status Monitor by going to Start - All Programs - PTPrint - Status Monitor or by clicking the shortcut on your desktop.

2. Click on the "?" tab on the left side of the application.

3. Click "Generate Support Report".

4. A zip file will be placed on your desktop.  Email that file to tech support.


1. Touch the "Advanced" tab within PTFinish.

2. Press the save icon at the bottom of the screen under the "i" icon.

3. A file named "FX1200_Data.txt" will be placed on the Desktop.  Email that file to tech support.

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Article Details
Views: 8018 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Jan 25, 2016
