> Knowledge base> Article: I receive Internal Printer Communications errors or stalls indicated by the flashing Ink Cartridge (

I receive Internal Printer Communications errors or stalls indicated by the flashing Ink Cartridge (left) button.

Article ID: 44623 Print
I receive Internal Printer Communications errors or stalls indicated by the flashing Ink Cartridge (left) button.



I receive Internal Printer Communications errors or stalls indicated by the flashing Ink Cartridge (left) button.

For "Internal Printer Communications" errors or stalls, try the following maintenance procedures:

1. Guide Shaft.

Power the Bravo off and glide the arm and print carriage assembly along the guide shaft bar. If it appears that it is choppy try cleaning the metal guide shaft. It should be free of any visible grease.

2. Encoder Belt.

Clean the encoder belt with a paper towel and rubbing alcohol. Pinch it and the rubbing alcohol dampened paper towel between your fingers to clean the belt. You may have to gently move the arm and carriage out of the way to clean the entire length. If it is dirty with ink splatters or dust, the ink carriage and arm can lose track of their position. The encoder belt runs the entire width of the Bravo parallel to the metal guide shaft. It is a semi-clear strip of plastic near the top of the inside of the Bravo (Not the white data belt or the black rubber drive belt).

3. Printer Tray.

The printer tray may be stalling out. It is possible that the printer tray guide rails could be sticking. There are two black guide rails that the printer tray slides out on. These rails are screwed down with two Philips or Torx head screws located at the ends of the rails just above the front of the recorder tray. Try loosening the screws on these guide rails one half turn, and also pull the rails out to the sides slightly. This may allow the printer tray to freely move in and out.

4. Firmware.

Update the firmware. Download the firmware updater here: http://www.primera.com/firmware_upgrade.html

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Article Details
Views: 7008 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Mar 04, 2016

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