> Knowledge base> Article: How many discs can I print with one Z1 ribbon?

How many discs can I print with one Z1 ribbon?

Article ID: 44652 Print
How many discs can I print with one Z1 ribbon?


How many discs can I print with one Z1 ribbon?

You can print an average of 200 print areas* with one ribbon. This equals fifty discs if you print all four areas on every disc, 100 discs if you only print two or 200 discs if you print one area on each disc.

*Depending on the amount of text or graphics in the print area, a different amount of ribbon is used so the print area number is variable. 200 print areas assumes a 1.674 inch average print that does not fill an entire print area with text or graphics. The entire ribbon is 334.92 inches long. If you were to fill every print area completely you would receive approximately 120 print areas (30 four print area discs).

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Article Details
Views: 4751 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: May 16, 2016
Posted in: Signature Z1
