> Knowledge base> Article: "The duplicator cover is open. Shut the top cover to continue" Received this error but the cover I

"The duplicator cover is open. Shut the top cover to continue" Received this error but the cover IS closed.

Article ID: 44763 Print
"The duplicator cover is open. Shut the top cover to continue" Received this error but the cover IS closed.


"The duplicator cover is open.  Shut the top cover to continue"  Received this error but the cover IS closed.

The reflective sticker on the tinted cover may have come off or is out of place.  If you open the lid and look where it hinges to the Bravo on the right side you should see reflective tape on a plastic tab that protrudes down slightly.  This tab fits into a notch in the Bravo that houses a sensor.  The notch is found roughly 3 centimeters to the right and about 2 centimeters back of the power button on top of the Bravo. When the optical sensor is blocked with the reflective tape on the tab the Bravo thinks the lid is closed.

If the lid is open the Bravo will not power off or start a job.  The same thing is true if the Bravo THINKS the lid is open.  Check that tape and either reposition it, or replace it with a piece of duct tape or masking tape.

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Views: 5646 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Jul 28, 2016

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