> Knowledge base> Article: How do I find the Printer Driver Version of my Primera printer?

How do I find the Printer Driver Version of my Primera printer?

Article ID: 44960 Print
How do I find the Printer Driver Version of my Primera printer?


How do I find the printer driver version of my Primera printer?


Finding the Printer Driver Version on a PC

1. Go the the Start Menu - Choose Printers and Faxes.

2. Right Click on the Printer Driver - Choose Printing Preferences.

3. Right Click on the Title as shown below - Choose About.

4. Look for the Version shown below the line.


Finding the Printer Driver Version on a Macintosh

1. Open the Printer Setup Utility or Print Center (Go to Macintosh HD - Choose Applications - Choose Utilities - Printer Setup Utility). 

2. Select the name of the driver you want to check.  Click Utility.

3. Click the About button.

4. Look for the Printer Module Version.

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Article Details
Views: 19190 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Jan 14, 2015
