> Knowledge base> Article: PTPublisher NE Service does not start up with Windows or crashes frequently. The server computer pri

PTPublisher NE Service does not start up with Windows or crashes frequently. The server computer print preferences are not applied to jobs sent from clients. Receive Error 104 when trying to burn data projects with data from a network source.

Article ID: 44962 Print
PTPublisher NE Service does not start up with Windows or crashes frequently. The server computer print preferences are not applied to jobs sent from clients. Receive Error 104 when trying to burn data projects with data from a network source.


A. Reinstall/Update the Service.  Make sure the delete the C:\PTPJobs Folder as well.  Back it up first as it contains information such as your license file that you may need again.  Specifically, your PTServiceSettings.xml contains your license file.  However, the PTAdminSettings.xml can sometimes become corrupted so it is good idea to delete that during upgrade/reinstallation so that it gets replaced.

B. Verify that there are no errors present on the robot (no flashing lights). 

C. Check that the CD/DVD/BDR drives are appearing in My Computer.

D. Check that the printer driver is installed and communicating.

E. Verify that the C:\PTPJobs folder on the server computer is present and is shared with the proper rights.  Client computers should be able to browse to this folder without a password and read/write/delete files.

F. Clear all jobs by deleting any job files (*.ptpx) from C:\PTPJobs on the server computer.  Delete all items in the C:\PTPJobs\Status folder on the server computer.

G. PTPublisher Service normally starts as a "System" service.  It is possible that a "System" service does not have all the necessary rights in some network environments.  If the service is set to logon as the current user with administrator rights all of the above problems could be solved.  Follow these instructions to set the service to logon as the current user:

1. Go to Start - Run - Type services.msc - Click OK

2. Find "PTPublisher Service" on the list.

3. Right click on it and choose Properties.

4. Click the Logon tab.

5. At the top of the window there is a section called "Log on as:" Set this to "This account".

6. Type your normal Username and Password for the server computer in the spaces provided.

7. Click Apply and OK.  Now restart the computer.

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Article Details
Views: 6216 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: May 15, 2018
