> Knowledge base> Article: Continuous rotating fast flashing lights appear when the unit is powered on. (LX800-810)

Continuous rotating fast flashing lights appear when the unit is powered on. (LX800-810)

Article ID: 44983 Print
Continuous rotating fast flashing lights appear when the unit is powered on. (LX800-810)



Continuous rotating fast flashing lights appear when the unit is powered on.  (LX800-810)

The sequence below is normal while the unit is starting up. This takes approximately 30 seconds.

If you have the following flashing light sequence that continues for more than 30 seconds after you power on the printer see the solutions below:

You may have a defective cartridge. Try the following:

1. Remove both the color and the black cartridge.

2. Disconnect the USB cable.

Power off the unit.

4. Power on the unit with no cartridges installed.

5. The unit should initialize by displaying the continuous rotating fast flashing lights for only 30 seconds. 

If the unit initializes correctly (lights stop rotating and power on steady) without cartridges and no USB connected you probably have a defective cartridge. Try replacing one or both of the cartridges using the procedure outlined in your manual for cartridge replacement. (The defective cartridge is most likely the one that was most recently replaced.)

If the unit does not initialize (lights continuously flash) see number 6 below.

6. If the unit displays continuous flashing lights in the sequence shown above, with no cartridges installed and no USB cable connected, it may need repair. Please contact tech support.

Note: If nothing here solves the problem try pressing the pause button during the light sequence. If the lights stop flashing, attempt to update the firmware at this time. If the firmware update is successful, the problem will be solved. 


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Article Details
Views: 7441 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Mar 08, 2016
Posted in: LX800-LX810
