> Knowledge base> Article: How do I completely remove a Primera Print Driver? (Windows Vista/XP/7/8)

How do I completely remove a Primera Print Driver? (Windows Vista/XP/7/8)

Article ID: 44987 Print
How do I completely remove a Primera Print Driver? (Windows Vista/XP/7/8)


How do I completely remove a Primera print driver? (Windows XP/Vista/7/8)

The steps in this article are only necessary for corrupt drivers or driver remnants that prevent the printer from reinstalling properly. Note that you must be the local administrator of your computer in order to remove or install a Primera printer.

Windows 7 / Windows 8

1. Disconnect the printer.

2. Go to Start > Control Panel > Devices and Printers. Double-click on the printer, go to the Printer menu and select Cancel All Documents.

3. In Devices and Printers, right-click on the printer and click Remove Device.
4. Still in Devices and Printers, click Print Server Properties on the top navigation bar. (First click on any printer to see this option.) Go to the Driver tab, select the printer and click Remove. Choose "Remove driver and driver package." Click "Delete" on the next screen. You may need to click on the windows shield button "Change Driver Settings" before you are able to remove the driver.

5. If successful, skip to the last step (step 8). If you receive a message, "Failed to remove driver <driver name>" or "Failed to remove package <package name>" please move on to the next steps.

6. Please close all open programs, reboot the computer, and/or stop the Print Spooler in services.msc. Attempt to Remove Driver and Package using instructions in step 4. If it still fails, move on to the next step.

7. Go to Start > Search and type regedt32 and press enter. Browse to the following keys (folders) in the registry and look for and DELETE any keys with Primera or the name of your printer in the name:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers



To delete a key you may need to assign permissions. Right-click on the key and select Permissions. Select “Everyone”, and check the Allow box next to Full Control. Click OK. Once permissions have been applied, right-click on the key and choose Delete.

8. Reboot.

Note: Driver Files reside in the following locations. If driver and package removal are successful then no files will be present.

C:\ProgramData\PTI\Drivers\<Printer Name folder>
C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3\<Various files starting with Brv, DiscPub or pt>
C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\<folder name starting with "pt">

Manual Method for XP (Vista instructions follow below) - FOR ADVANCED USERS ONLY!

1. Disconnect the printer.

Go to Start > Control Panel > Printers and Faxes. Double-click on the printer, go to the Printer menu and select Cancel All Documents.

In Printers and Faxes, right-click on the printer and click Delete.

Still in Printers and Faxes, click File and choose Server Properties. Go to the Driver tab and select the printer and click Remove.

5. Browse to C:\Windows\inf. Note that this is a hidden folder. You can either go to Control Panel > Folder Options > View tab and select “Show hidden files and folders”, or copy and paste C:\Windows\inf into the address bar of an Explorer window. 

Once in the folder, click the Search button at the top of the Window. Choose “All files and folders” and type Primera in the box “A word or phrase in the file.” Click Search. This may take two or three minutes. The search should find at least one file named oemxx.inf, where xx is a number between 1 and 99.  Right-click on one of the found files and select “Open Containing Folder.” Find and delete the found oemxx file(s) and its corresponding oemxx.pnf file(s). 

6. Go to Start > Run and type regedt32 and click OK. Browse to the following keys (folders) in the registry and look for any keys with Primera in the name:


For each key, you must assign permissions. Right-click on the key and select Permissions. Select “Everyone”, and check the Allow box next to Full Control. Click OK. Once permissions have been applied, right-click on the key and choose Delete.

Note that for legacy printers (Signature IV, Signature Pro, and Inscripta) using parallel connections, the key will be Enum\LPTENUM instead of Enum\USBPRINT.


Reconnect the printer and reinstall when prompted by the found new hardware wizard.


Manual Method for Vista - FOR ADVANCED USERS ONLY!

1. Disconnect the printer.

Go to Start > Printers or Start > Control Panel > Printers. Double-click on the printer, go to the Printer menu and select Cancel All Documents.

In Printers, right-click on the printer and click Delete.

Still in Printers, click File and choose Server Properties. Go to the Driver tab and select the printer and click Remove.

5. Browse to C:\Windows\inf. Note that this is a hidden folder. To access it, you can either go to Control Panel > Folder Options > View tab and click “Show hidden files and folders” or copy and paste C:\Windows\inf into the address bar of an Explorer window. 

Once in the folder, type Primera into the search box in the upper-right-hand corner. It will search quickly. Once found, you must click “Search in File Contents.” This may take two or three minutes. The search should find at least one file named oemxx.inf, where xx is a number between 1 and 99. Right-click on one of the found files and select “Open file location.” Find and delete the found oemxx file(s) and its corresponding oemxx.pnf file(s). 

6. Go to Start > Run and type regedt32 and click OK. Browse to the following keys (folders) in the registry and look for any keys with Primera in the name:


For each key, you must assign permissions. Right-click on the key and select Permissions. Select “Everyone”, and check the Allow box next to Full Control. Click OK. Once permissions have been applied, right-click on the key and choose Delete.


Download and run the latest version of your printer’s driver from the Printer Drivers page on our web site. Reconnect the printer and follow the instructions provided by the printer driver.

Automatic Method using Utility (Not for LX900, Bravo Pro Xi or Bravo 4100 Series - See Manual method above)

XP/VISTA (DO NOT USE for Windows 7 or Windows 8)

Step 1: Disconnect the printer from USB

Step 2: Go to Start > Control Panel > Printers and Faxes. Double-click on the Primera printer you would like to remove. Click Printer and then Cancel All Documents.  

Step 3: Download and run the PTDriver Remover.  “Run as administrator for Vista"

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Article Details
Views: 18712 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Jul 02, 2015
