> Knowledge base> Article: How does the process of ripping CDs work?

How does the process of ripping CDs work?

Article ID: 45011 Print
How does the process of ripping CDs work?


How does the process of ripping CDs work?

First you setup the Bravo SE according to the instructions that come with the unit.  Load it with CDs.  Double click the PTRip Icon located on your desktop.  Click Import to Media Player or Import to iTunes.  The robot arm will pick the CDs, place them in the reader, rip the disc and then place it in the center output bin.  The process will repeat until all CDs in the input bin are processed.  Simply remove the ripped discs from the output bin, reload the input bin and click the import button again to continue.

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Article Details
Views: 5158 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Jun 20, 2016
Posted in: PTRip
