> Knowledge base> Article: How do I completely remove and reinstall a Primera printer driver on Mac OSX 10.4 or earlier?

How do I completely remove and reinstall a Primera printer driver on Mac OSX 10.4 or earlier?

Article ID: 45099 Print
How do I completely remove and reinstall a Primera printer driver on Mac OSX 10.4 or earlier?



How do I completely remove and reinstall a Primera printer driver on Mac OSX 10.4 or earlier?

1. Disconnect the printer from power and USB.

2. Go to your Macintosh HD. Go to Applications/Utilities and open the Printer Setup Utility or Print Center.

3. Delete the printer from the Printer List. Be sure to close the Printer List by pressing Q on your keyboard.

4. Go to Macintosh HD/Library/Printers. Delete the Primera folder.

5. Go to Macintosh HD/Library/Receipts. In here there will likely be a receipt corresponding to your printer. For example, a BravoPro Disc Publisher might have a receipt package called Driver DPPro.pkg. Look for any driver receipts and delete them.

6. Delete any Primera driver installers you might have saved to your desktop or any other location on your Mac.

7. Empty the trash.

8. Download and run the last driver for your product. You can get the latest drivers for all Primera printers here.

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Article Details
Views: 8602 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Jan 11, 2016
