> Knowledge base> Article: How do I prepare the Primera Trio for air travel? Should I check or carry on the Trio?

How do I prepare the Primera Trio for air travel? Should I check or carry on the Trio?

Article ID: 74774 Print
How do I prepare the Primera Trio for air travel? Should I check or carry on the Trio?


How do I prepare the Primera Trio for air travel?  Should I check or carry on the Trio?

Follow the procedures below when traveling with the Trio.


  • If the battery is installed, the Trio can be packed in checked baggage or packed in carry-on baggage. 
  • Spare batteries or batteries not installed in the Trio must be packed in carry-on baggage.  FAA and IATA regulations do not allow spare/uninstalled Lithium Ion batteries to be stored in checked baggage.  However, the battery can be checked if it is installed in the device.  

Ink Cartridge.

  • Do not pack an open or used cartridge in your checked baggage even if it is installed in the printer.  Remove the cartridge, place it in the cartridge garage that came with it and pack it with your carry-on baggage.  Checked baggage holds are not pressurized during flight.  The changes in pressure could cause an opened/used cartridge to leak a small amount of ink. 
  • If you will be storing your Trio in your carry-on baggage, you may leave the cartridge inside the printer in the stowed position.  See section 3 in the User's Manual.

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Article Details
Views: 7676 Created on: Apr 18, 2016
Date updated: Apr 19, 2016
Posted in: Trio

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