> Knowledge base> Article: How do I print from my Photo Booth Software to the IP60?

How do I print from my Photo Booth Software to the IP60?

Article ID: 98303 Print
How do I print from my Photo Booth Software to the IP60?


Photo Booth Software - What Works with IP60?


Booth Junkie - https://www.boothjunkie.co.uk/
-Known Issue: Always prints two 2x6” photo strips when you select printing one.

Breeze - https://www.breezesys.com/  (includes Webcam Photobooth, DSLR Remote Pro, Hotfolder Prints, Breeze Kiosk and Flipbook Photobooth)
-Known Issue: Problem printing odd number of 2x6” strips only from the reprint menu in Webcam Booth

Darkroom Booth - http://www.darkroomsoftware.com/products/booth/
-Known Issue: Prints multiples of 2 for 2x6” strips only from reprint menu only. Printing 2x6” from booth works correctly.

DSLRBooth - https://dslrbooth.com/

Photoboof! - http://www.photoboof.com/

Photo Booth Upload (LA Photo Party) - https://laphotoparty.com/photo-booth-software/photo-booth-upload/
-Known Issues: Cannot print multiple strips. There is a fix from LA Photo Party that is currently in beta. Cannot run a booth session that uses two different print sizes, the last size set will override the first one.

Social Booth/Photo Booth Solutions - http://www.photoboothsolutions.com/socialbooth/

Sparkbooth - https://sparkbooth.com/

iPad with Windows Server Software:

These programs have a PC application which connects to the IP60 AND an iPad app that connects to their PC program.  Both the PC and the iPad must be on the same wireless network for this to work.

Snappic - https://www.getsnappic.com/

Lumabooth - https://dslrbooth.com/lumabooth-photo-booth-app
-Known Issue: Does not allow for printing single 2x6” strips

Pixbooth (Curator) - https://home.curatorlive.com/
-Known Issue: Cannot run a single booth session with two different print sizes, IP60 always defaults to last size set.

iPad with PTLink:

Breeze Booth for iPad - https://breezebooth.squarespace.com/

-Known issues: photos are printed 6x4.5” with the photo rotated and shrunk

Hula Booth - https://www.hula.co/

-Known issues: photos are printed 6x4.5” with the image stretched horizontally to fit

Lumabooth - https://dslrbooth.com/lumabooth-photo-booth-app

Photozap - http://getfotozap.com/

Pixbooth 2 (Curator) - https://curatorlive.com/pixbooth

-Known issues: photos are printed 6x4.5” with bottom of the image cropped out

Salsa Booth - https://photoboothsupplyco.com/pages/overview

Simple Booth - https://www.simplebooth.com/

-Known issues: photos are printed 6x4.5” with white borders on both sides

 Slideshow Photo Booth - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/slideshow-photo-booth/id1095019448

 Snappic - https://www.getsnappic.com/

 Wifibooth - https://wifibooth.com/


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Article Details
Views: 11565 Created on: Jan 04, 2019
Date updated: Jul 19, 2019
Posted in: IP60
