> Knowledge base> Article: When I send a job from PTPublisher client to the server, a message appears "Checking Server Status".

When I send a job from PTPublisher client to the server, a message appears "Checking Server Status". The message stays on screen until the job is aborted. (PTPublisher NE)

Article ID: 44626 Print
When I send a job from PTPublisher client to the server, a message appears "Checking Server Status". The message stays on screen until the job is aborted. (PTPublisher NE)



When I send a job from PTPublisher client to the server, a message appears "Checking Server Status".  The message stays on screen until the job is aborted. (PTPublisher NE)

The PTPublisher Service on the server computer needs to be restarted.

To check if the service is running or to restart it on the server computer:

1.  Go to Start - Run - Type Services.msc in the box. A services utility will open.

2. Find the PTPublisherService.exe on the list. 

3. Right click on it. Choose Restart from the menu that appears.

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Article Details
Views: 6183 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: May 26, 2016
