> Knowledge base> Article: ERROR: limitcheck OFFENDING COMMAND: setpagedevice is printed instead of the image. (CX1200)

ERROR: limitcheck OFFENDING COMMAND: setpagedevice is printed instead of the image. (CX1200)

Article ID: 44650 Print
ERROR: limitcheck OFFENDING COMMAND: setpagedevice is printed instead of the image. (CX1200)



ERROR: limitcheck OFFENDING COMMAND: setpagedevice is printed instead of the image. (CX1200)

The full error is listed below:

ERROR: limitcheck
OFFENDING COMMAND: setpagedevice



This indicates a RIP error.  The printer is unable to process the file that is being sent.  Please try the following

1. Set the 4800cq print quality setting within PTprint.

To access the print quality settings in PTprint:

  • Click File – Print
  • Select the Setup button below the list of printers
  • The Color Label Press Printing Properties menu will open
  • Select the Print Quality tab
  • Select one of the following settings:
  • Text/Photo, Text or Custom (Confirm that 4800cq is listed in the resolution drop down menu below the Custom button)

2. Save the .eps file as an Adobe Postscript Language Level 3 file.  There will be an option present in the EPS options when saving the file. 

3. The printer may be running low on available RAM.  To restore the printer’s RAM turn off the printer and disconnect the printer’s power cable for 60 seconds.  After 60 seconds connect the power cable and turn on the printer.

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Article Details
Views: 15526 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Feb 26, 2016
