> Knowledge base> Article: What are the container and media specifications for the AP360/362?

What are the container and media specifications for the AP360/362?

Article ID: 44664 Print
What are the container and media specifications for the AP360/362?



Container Width (Height when standing): 1” to 9.4” (25.4mm to 238mm)
Container Diameter: 0.6” to 6.7” (15mm to 170mm)
Container Shape: Cylindrical and many tapered
Supply Roll Diameter: Up to 8” (203mm)
Media Liner Width: 1” to 8.375” (25.4mm to 213mm)
Supply Roll Core: 2” to 3” I.D. (51.8mm to 76.2mm)
Label Width: 0.75" to 8.25" (19.1mm to 209.6mm)
Label Height/Length: 0.75" to 24.00" (19.1mm to 609.6mm)
Gap between Labels: Recommended: 1/8" - 1/4" ( 3.175 mm - 6.3500 mm )
Liner Thickness: 1 mil - 10mil (smoothness will affect feeding - a liner that is too slippery or too thin will slip through the drive rollers)
Total Thickness: 3 mil - 15 mil*
Wind Direction Wound out - See Copy-Position Chart (Position 3 or 4 for most containers)


*Important Note: Pliability/Flexibility/Rigidity of the label is also a factor. If the label is too flexible, no matter the thickness, it can cause wrinkling or it may not pop off the liner when going around the peel edge. Polypropylene, Polyester and Vinyl labels tend to be more flexible than paper labels. If you suspect the label stock is too flexible, it is recommended that the stock and container be tested on the Applicator before making any purchase decisions of label stock or the applicator.


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Views: 9083 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Mar 15, 2019
