> Knowledge base> Article: LX Series Printer prints only one copy of a multiple copy job and then stops when printing from Core

LX Series Printer prints only one copy of a multiple copy job and then stops when printing from Corel Draw. (LX400-800-810-900)

Article ID: 44678 Print
LX Series Printer prints only one copy of a multiple copy job and then stops when printing from Corel Draw. (LX400-800-810-900)


LX Series Printer prints only one copy of a multiple copy job and then stops when printing from CorelDraw. (LX400-800-810-900)


LX series printers require a document to be sent to the queue several times to print multiple copies. To print without errors in CorelDraw version 5 a switch must be added to the corelprn.ini file. Follow the instructions below to make the necessary adjustments:


Step 1: Install Service Pack 1 for CorelDraw X5

The Corel Draw Service Pack can be downloaded and installed from Corel's website here. This service pack includes all previous service pack updates. It is only necessary to install this update.


Step 2: Edit the following corelprn.ini file.

For printers that require a document to be sent to the queue several times to print multiple copies, a switch must be added to the corelprn.ini file. To add the switch, do the following:


1. Locate the corelprn.ini file by opening the Run window and type %appdata%, press Enter, and navigate to the \Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5\Config Folder.

2. Open the file with Notepad.

3. Locate the section that details your printer's information, i.e.: [Driver-NT-NAME of PRINTER], then add a hard return below it and add the following: EmulateCopy=1


An excerpt of the edited text should look like the following:


[Driver-NT-Color Label 900]




4. Save the file and restart CorelDraw. Your printer should now be able to print multiple copies.


For more information see Corel's official patch release notes here.

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Article Details
Views: 8549 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Jan 29, 2016
