> Knowledge base> Article: How do I update an existing Windows Driver to the latest version.

How do I update an existing Windows Driver to the latest version.

Article ID: 44679 Print
How do I update an existing Windows Driver to the latest version.


How do I update an existing Windows Driver to the latest version?

If you already have a working driver for your Primera product installed, follow this procedure to update it to the latest version. 

1. Go to the Start Menu - Control Panel - Printers and Faxes (Devices and Printers)
2. Right click on the Printer - Choose Properties
3. Click on the Advanced Tab
4. Click on New Driver
5. Click Next
6. Click Have Disk...
7. Click Browse
8. Click My Computer - Open the C:\<Driver> folder. Click on the appropriate driver folder - Click on the .inf file that appears in the folder.
9. Click Open
10. Click OK
11. Click Next
12. Click Finish
13. You will be prompted that the driver doesn't pass Windows Logo Testing or that the publisher cannot be verified. Click Continue Anyway or Install Anyway.
14. Driver files will be installed.

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Article Details
Views: 12047 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Oct 07, 2015
