> Knowledge base> Article: After recording a disc, one or more of the drive doors on the DUP-07 does not open. What does this

After recording a disc, one or more of the drive doors on the DUP-07 does not open. What does this mean?

Article ID: 44858 Print
After recording a disc, one or more of the drive doors on the DUP-07 does not open. What does this mean?


After recording a disc, one or more of the drive doors on the DUP-07 does not open. What does this mean?

The discs in the closed doors are bad. When you receive a bad copy the drive door containing the bad copy will stay closed. Only drives with good copies will open for reloading. You may reload the drive with the bad copy by manually opening the drive door.

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Article Details
Views: 4869 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Aug 02, 2016
Posted in: DUP-07
