> Knowledge base> Article: Where can I find the DVD logo? It is not part of the SureThing program that comes with my product.

Where can I find the DVD logo? It is not part of the SureThing program that comes with my product.

Article ID: 44894 Print
Where can I find the DVD logo? It is not part of the SureThing program that comes with my product.


Where can I find the DVD logo?  It is not part of the SureThing program that comes with my product.

SureThing is not allowed to provide this logo for printing on discs because in order to print the logo you must first obtain a licence to do so.

The licensor of DVD Format/Logo is the DVD Format/Logo Licensing Corporation. For all subscriptions and licensing information, please contact:

e-mail: info@dvdfllc.co.jp

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Article Details
Views: 5038 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Jul 13, 2016
