> Knowledge base> Article: Unable to scan receipts or other thin paper using the Primera Trio.

Unable to scan receipts or other thin paper using the Primera Trio.

Article ID: 72495 Print
Unable to scan receipts or other thin paper using the Primera Trio.


Unable to scan receipts or other thin paper using the Primera Trio.

Try these two suggestions:

1. Before scanning, fold the receipt lengthwise, open it back up almost all the way and then feed it. The crease gives a little extra "structure" to the paper so that it goes through as expected.

2. If the length is less than 8.5 inches, try scanning the receipts rotated 90 degrees, i.e. landscape mode.

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Article Details
Views: 4699 Created on: Jan 12, 2016
Date updated: Sep 20, 2016
Posted in: Trio
