> Knowledge base> Article: How do I print to the IP60 using 5x7 photo paper with perforation?

How do I print to the IP60 using 5x7 photo paper with perforation?

Article ID: 99568 Print
How do I print to the IP60 using 5x7 photo paper with perforation?


All images sent to the IP60 must have one dimension that is 6” wide. This is still true for the 5x7 paper. This means that you need to add a white border to the right side of the design or the bottom of the photo if you are printing in landscape orientation. This white space should be slightly less than 1” so that there is a small bleed over into the tear off. The actual page size of your design for a 5x7 photo would be 6" wide x 7" high. However, your height can be any size as long as the width is 6”.

You may choose to use the tear off portion as a coupon, advertisement or business information. See the example on the 5x7 product page

Finally, if you are using photo printing software that has a 5x7 template it will not work properly with the IP60.  You can still print the 5x7 photo from that software but you will need to create a custom 6" x 7" page size/template or print from Primera SNAP. In either case you will still need to modify your photo to conform with the specifications in the first paragraph.

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Article Details
Views: 3664 Created on: Jun 04, 2019
Date updated: Jun 04, 2019
Posted in: IP60
