> Knowledge base> Article: My Business Card Adapter Kit or Kiosk mode software did not install correctly. I receive error messa

My Business Card Adapter Kit or Kiosk mode software did not install correctly. I receive error messages during or after the installation.

Article ID: 44546 Print
My Business Card Adapter Kit or Kiosk mode software did not install correctly. I receive error messages during or after the installation.



My Business Card Adapter Kit or Kiosk mode software did not install correctly. I receive error messages during or after the installation.

The software that is packaged with the Bravo II already contains the necessary updates that allow Kiosk mode and the Business card adapter to work properly. You do not need to install the software updates included with either of these kits. If you continue to have problems, try removing your software via Add - Remove programs in Control Panel. Reinstall the original software that came with your Bravo II.

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Article Details
Views: 6523 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Feb 24, 2016
Posted in: Bravo II or XR

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