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How do I get new ink cartridges? Will other ink cartridges work?

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How do I get new ink cartridges? Will other ink cartridges work?



How do I get new ink cartridges? Will other ink cartridges work?

Ink cartridges are sold throughout the world by our resellers, distributors and hundreds of WWW sites. Our online store at www.primerastore.com is also a handy place for customers in the USA. Original Primera Bravo ink cartridges are required in order for the ink-level monitoring features to properly function. This is a very important feature for unattended disc duplication! Our patented ink-level software tells you not only the percentage of ink remaining before you start a job, but also the actual number of discs that are possible based upon the graphic image(s) you're sending to the printer.

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Views: 6746 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Apr 12, 2016

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