> Knowledge base> Article: Unable to Communicate with the Robot -or- No Response Make sure the 9 pin serial cable is connected

Unable to Communicate with the Robot -or- No Response Make sure the 9 pin serial cable is connected -or- More than one Disc Publisher was detected -or- Serial / COM port communications errors when opening PrimoDVD? (Composer XL/Pro)

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Unable to Communicate with the Robot -or- No Response Make sure the 9 pin serial cable is connected -or- More than one Disc Publisher was detected -or- Serial / COM port communications errors when opening PrimoDVD? (Composer XL/Pro)


Unable to Communicate with the Robot -or- No Response Make sure the 9 pin serial cable is connected -or- More than one Disc Publisher was detected -or- Serial / COM port communications errors when opening PrimoDVD? (Composer XL/Pro)

Try these possible solutions:

1. Printer Driver. The "More than one Disc Publisher was detected" error may appear with later versions of Primo if no printer driver is installed.  While you don't need a printer to run a composer, the new versions of the software will require it.  Simply install any Bravo printer driver to solve this problem. 

2. Primo Conflict. If you had another Primera product attached to this computer in the past, such as a Bravo, you may need to uninstall the PrimoDVD program, delete the Primo DVD 2.0 folder from the C:Program Files folder, and then reinstall the Primo DVD 2.0 that came with the Composer Pro/XL.

3. Port Conflict. Another software or device is currently using the COM Port.  Do the following: Right Click on My Computer, choose Properties.  Go to the Hardware Tab, click on Device Manager.  Scroll to the Ports section and click on the plus to open.  Right click on the COM Port and choose Uninstall.  Shut Down your computer.  Now make sure the Composer Pro is powered on and connected to the computer via the serial cable.  Disconnect any other serial device attached to the computer.  Now start the computer.  Wait about 60 seconds and then open Primo.  This procedure should force the computer to recognize the Composer serial connection.

4. Software. Uninstall other software that may control the COM port such as digital camera transfer software or Palm PDA syncing software.

5. Cable. Replace the Serial cable.  It may be defective.  It must be a true Serial cable not a USB to Serial cable adapter.  They do not work correctly.

6. USB to Serial. USB to Serial converter cables may not work correctly.  Make sure you are using a true serial port integrated or on a PCI card.

7. System BIOS. Make sure the COM port is enabled in the System BIOS.  This is especially true for newer computers or computers that did not originally come with a serial port.

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Views: 5690 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Feb 25, 2016

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