> Knowledge base> Article: My Bravo is printing slow when printing from PTPublisher and/or SureThing. What can I do? (PC only)

My Bravo is printing slow when printing from PTPublisher and/or SureThing. What can I do? (PC only)

Article ID: 44684 Print
My Bravo is printing slow when printing from PTPublisher and/or SureThing. What can I do? (PC only)



My Bravo is printing slow when printing from PTPublisher and/or SureThing.  What can I do? (PC only)



1.  Check USB connection.  Ensure that the USB cable is 6ft or less and plugged directly into the back of the PC.  It should not be going through any hubs or extenders.  Try a different USB port and USB cable.


2.  Disable antivirus software.  Certain anti-virus software can cause slow printing through PTPublisher or SureThing.  Turning off the antivirus software allows the Bravo to print right away.  You may only need to turn off "active monitoring".


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Views: 6448 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: May 02, 2016
