> Knowledge base> Article: I receive the error when printing from PTPublisher 'No compatible devices found, would you like to p

I receive the error when printing from PTPublisher 'No compatible devices found, would you like to print on plain paper?' (PTPublisher)

Article ID: 44712 Print
I receive the error when printing from PTPublisher 'No compatible devices found, would you like to print on plain paper?' (PTPublisher)



I receive the error when printing from PTPublisher 'No compatible devices found, would you like to print on plain paper?' (PTPublisher)


There are three possible reasons this error occurs:

1. More than one version of SureThing is installed on the computer. Check to make sure only one version of SureThing is installed. Two instances of the program can cause this error. Remove any instances of SureThing and reinstall software from here. You will need the user name and password to download.


2. An older or outdated version of SureThing is installed with PTPublisher. Remove the older version of SureThing and install the most recent version from Primera’s website.


3. The ‘Print Using’ setting within SureThing is set to ‘Standard Printer.’ Check the printer settings within SureThing. Make sure under File – Print, the ‘Print Using’ is set to ‘CD/DVD Printer’ instead of ‘Standard Printer.’

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Article Details
Views: 7502 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Mar 16, 2016
