> Knowledge base> Article: What type of CD and DVD discs / media does Primera recommend?

What type of CD and DVD discs / media does Primera recommend?

Article ID: 44904 Print
What type of CD and DVD discs / media does Primera recommend?


What type of CD and DVD discs / media does Primera recommend?

For best performance, we recommend our Tuffcoat media.  This media has the best combination of printable and burnable surface available for our products.  You can purchase it at our webstore www.primerastore.com.

The recorder drives and the printer in Primera units are tested and optimized for use with Tuffcoat media.  However, almost any media brand will be compatible.  Our drive manufacturer continuously revises the firmware on the drives to be compatible with more brands of media and better compatible with existing brands.  The burn engine embedded in the software also plays a part in compatibility.  The real variation between media brands is in the burnable and printable surface quality.  A poor quality burned disc may not last as long and may be more susceptable to scratches that render the disc unplayable.  A poor quality printable surface would not hold as much ink or could bleed the ink more than it should.  This would affect the crispness and brightness of an image.

The best advice for media is that you get what you pay for.  The cheaper the media the lower the quality.

NOTE: If you have a duplicator with a Plextor 716A DVD drive, Plextor also maintains a list of recommended media:


Note: The Plextor list only applies to the burnable surface of the disc.  This list does not apply to the Optivault Archival Appliance.

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Views: 11332 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Mar 02, 2016
