> Knowledge base> Article: What is the size capacity of my DVD, Dual Layer DVD or Blu-ray disc?

What is the size capacity of my DVD, Dual Layer DVD or Blu-ray disc?

Article ID: 45024 Print
What is the size capacity of my DVD, Dual Layer DVD or Blu-ray disc?


DVD and Blu-ray manufacturers state capacity in decimal form. However, most computers read capacity in binary. The following table translates stated decimal capacity into actual binary capacity.

Single layer capacity Dual/Double layer capacity
  Stated Capacity (GB) PTPublisher Capacity (GiB) Stated Capacity (GB) PTPublisher Capacity (GiB)
DVD 4.7 4.38 8.5 7.92
Blu-ray 25 23.28* 50 46.56*


Note: In the table, GB means gigabyte and equals 109 (or 1,000,000,000) bytes. Almost all computer software, including PTPublisher, will display binary gigabytes or gibibyte (GiB) which equal 230 (or 1,073,741,824) bytes.

*Actual capacity will vary depending on disc manufacturer. 

Example: Disc with 8.5 GB capacity will provide you: (8.5 x 1,000,000,000) / 1,073,741,824 ≈ 7.92 GiB or 7,920 MB.

**Primo DVD and PTPublisher display capacity in MB so all you need to know is that the max capacity for a DVD is 4,380 MB, for a DVD-DL is 7,920 MB, for a BD-R is 23,280 MB and for a BDR-DL is 46,566 MB.

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Article Details
Views: 23083 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Aug 24, 2015
