> Knowledge base> Article: When submitting a job from the client, "Checking Server Status" message is continuously displayed.

When submitting a job from the client, "Checking Server Status" message is continuously displayed. The job never starts. (PTPublisher NE)

Article ID: 44667 Print
When submitting a job from the client, "Checking Server Status" message is continuously displayed. The job never starts. (PTPublisher NE)



When submitting a job from the client, "Checking Server Status" message is continuously displayed.  The job never starts.  (PTPublisher NE)

The checking server status message should only appear for a few moments before the data associated with the job is sent to the server computer.  If the message never disappears there is a problem.  Check the following:

Multiple SureThing CD/DVD Labeler Programs may be installed.  Specifically, the deluxe version of SureThing may be installed.  Please remove all versions of SureThing via add/remove programs in Windows.  Reinstall only the latest Primera version of SureThing.

The latest software can be found here:


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Article Details
Views: 5066 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: May 12, 2016
