> Knowledge base> Article: How do I print the print quality test pages? (CX1200)

How do I print the print quality test pages? (CX1200)

Article ID: 44837 Print
How do I print the print quality test pages? (CX1200)



How do I print the print quality test pages? (CX1200)

The print quality test pages can be used to diagnose several print quality issues.  You may be asked to perform this test by tech support.

1. On the printer's control panel, set the default source to Tray 1.  Press Menu - Select Paper Menu - Select Default Source - Select Tray 1.

2. Open the fuser door to disengage the feeder path switch so the paper feeds out the top of the printer.

3. Turn off the printer.

4. Access the diagnostic menu by holding the Right and Bottom arrow buttons on the control panel while switching on the unit.

5. Select the Print Tests Menu - Select "Prt Quality Pgs".

6. The quality pages will print out of the top of the printer.

7. Restart the printer.  Close the fuser door.  Reset the default source to MP Feeder.

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Article Details
Views: 7984 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Jan 20, 2016
