> Knowledge base> Article: How do I Reset the Fuser Counter after Installing a New Fuser? (CX1200)

How do I Reset the Fuser Counter after Installing a New Fuser? (CX1200)

Article ID: 44572 Print
How do I Reset the Fuser Counter after Installing a New Fuser? (CX1200)


How do I Reset the Fuser Counter after Installing a New Fuser? (CX1200)

The printer keeps a fuser page counter because as the fuser ages the rubber fusing roller gets softer. This allows it to emanate more heat. To maintain even fuser temperature the printer automatically compensates for this by gradually decreasing fuser temperature in relation to the age of the fuser. Resetting the fuser counter automatically sets the printer back to the highest starting temperature.

1. Go to the Configuration Menu. See instructions below:

2. Select Reset Fuser Cnt.

3. Choose Reset.

4. Switch off the printer and turn it back on.

Important Note: Please change nothing else in this menu.

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Article Details
Views: 12967 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Jan 19, 2016
