> Knowledge base> Article: How do I set the Retrospect logging level so that it includes more or less information? How do I vie

How do I set the Retrospect logging level so that it includes more or less information? How do I view or save the log?

Article ID: 45073 Print
How do I set the Retrospect logging level so that it includes more or less information? How do I view or save the log?



How do I set the Retrospect logging level so that it includes more or less information? How do I view or save the log?

Once Retrospect has been opened, press CTRL + ALT + P + P to enter the secret preferences area of Retrospect. The log level can be increased in the Debug Logging area.  Seven is the maximum level.

To view or save a log go to the Reports section in the left navigation area of Retrospect. Choose Operations Log. To save the log go to the File Menu, choose "Export."

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Article Details
Views: 3831 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Sep 12, 2016
