> Knowledge base> Article: The Import to iTunes button is disabled (grayed out) when I start PTRip.

The Import to iTunes button is disabled (grayed out) when I start PTRip.

Article ID: 45078 Print
The Import to iTunes button is disabled (grayed out) when I start PTRip.



The Import to iTunes button is disabled (grayed out) when I start PTRip.

1. Make sure iTunes version 7.5 or higher is installed.

2. Make sure there are no iTunes message dialogs appearing when iTunes starts up.  Any dialog message box that appears when iTunes opens must be dismissed before the Import to iTunes button will be available.  iTunes automatically starts when PTRip starts so just click on iTunes on your task bar.  That will bring iTunes to the front and also display any iTunes message dialog.  To fix this problem dismiss the dialog, close PTRip, leave iTunes open, now restart PTRip.

3. Remove any discs from the drive(s) in the Disc Publisher before starting PTRip.  Any disc in the drive(s) may disable the Import to iTunes button because it causes a message dialog to appear in iTunes (see number 2).

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Article Details
Views: 5047 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: May 11, 2016
