> Knowledge base> Article: How do I turn on or off the "enhance fine lines" setting in the CX1200 settings?

How do I turn on or off the "enhance fine lines" setting in the CX1200 settings?

Article ID: 63089 Print
How do I turn on or off the "enhance fine lines" setting in the CX1200 settings?


1. From PTPrint go to file - print.  Select Color Label Press - click Setup.

2. Go to the Print Quality Tab.

3. Click on More Print Quality Options.

4. Next toggle "Enhance fine lines"  on or off. 

On = Fixes jagged or fuzzy edges, lines, or text in printed labels.  Can potentially make the print darker over all.

Off = Some images may have fuzzy or jagged edges.  Prints the true colors of the image.

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Views: 4105 Created on: Mar 06, 2015
Date updated: Aug 20, 2015
