> Knowledge base> Article: Trio does not scan when installed on a Mac. I receive Scanner offline messages in the software. (Tr

Trio does not scan when installed on a Mac. I receive Scanner offline messages in the software. (Trio Mac).

Article ID: 74775 Print
Trio does not scan when installed on a Mac. I receive Scanner offline messages in the software. (Trio Mac).


Trio does not scan when installed on a Mac.  I receive Scanner offline messages in the software. (Trio Mac).

1. Try logging into the Mac as an Admin User.  Not all the rights necessary for the scanner are being granted.

2. The following specific folders/files need admin rights.

/Library/Image Capture/Devices/PrimeraTrio.app
/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/Primera Trio.ppd
/Users/ XXXX /Library/Logs/TrioConfig.log
/Users/ XXXX /Library/Logs/TrioConfigInit.log
/Users/ XXXX /Library/Preferences/com.primera.config.trio.plist
/Users/ XXXX /Library/Preferences/com.primera.PrimeraTrio.plist
/Users/ XXXX /Desktop/Primera Trio

Note: XXXX indicates the username of the non admin user.

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Article Details
Views: 4773 Created on: Apr 18, 2016
Date updated: May 18, 2016
Posted in: Trio
