> Knowledge base> Article: Can I apply labels to a tapered container (AP360-AP362)

Can I apply labels to a tapered container (AP360-AP362)

Article ID: 98546 Print
Can I apply labels to a tapered container


It is possible to apply labels to tapered containers. 

  • Adjust the Container Idler Roller per the instructions below.  There are pre-established notches that can be used to angle the container idler roller so that the container is level.  However, for best results, you should clamp the roller into the optimal position.
  • Use custom labels that are shaped as a rounded trapezoid (Wider/Narrower at the top vs the bottom).  This will allow you to apply the label straight with no wrinkles or bubbles. 

Use these instructions to adjust the container idler roller.

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Article Details
Views: 3668 Created on: Feb 07, 2019
Date updated: Feb 07, 2019
