> Knowledge base> Article: How do I reset my ink cartridge levels?

How do I reset my ink cartridge levels?

Article ID: 44559 Print
How do I reset my ink cartridge levels?


How do I reset my ink cartridge levels?

In order to receive an accurate ink level amount, you need to reset the levels each time you replace a cartridge. To reset the ink levels do the following:

1. Go to Control Panel - Printers and Faxes
2. Right click on your printer - choose Printing Preferences
3. Choose Clean/Change Cartridges and Check Ink Levels -OR- Ink Levels and Cartridge Maintenance on the Preferences screen.
4. Click the Change button - Follow the on screen instructions and choose New Color Cartridge or New Black Cartridge, depending on which cartridge you are changing.
5. Click Okay to confirm. You should now see 100% under the cartridge you changed.

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Article Details
Views: 20230 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Dec 02, 2014
