> Knowledge base> Article: How do I disable a drive in Device Manager?

How do I disable a drive in Device Manager?

Article ID: 44777 Print
How do I disable a drive in Device Manager?



How do I disable a drive in Device Manager?


This is often necessary when troubleshooting to resolve drive conflicts.


1. Right click on “My Computer” or “Computer” and click on “Manage”.

2. Click on “Device Manager” at the left.

3. Click on “DVD/CD-Rom drives” to expand the section.

4. Right click on the drive and click on “Disable”.

5. Click on “Yes” to confirm.


To enable it again, you would right click on the drive and click on “Enable”.


*Please note that when the drive is disabled, you will not be able to use it. You will need to enable it again to use it.

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Article Details
Views: 6475 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Feb 29, 2016
