> Knowledge base> Article: Blu-ray discs are immediately rejecting / failing to burn in PTPublisher Mac.

Blu-ray discs are immediately rejecting / failing to burn in PTPublisher Mac.

Article ID: 54092 Print
Blu-ray discs are immediately rejecting / failing to burn in PTPublisher Mac.


In PTPublisher, on the final step of the project setup choose "Project Options". 

Set the "File System" to UDF 2.50 (Default is UDF 2.60)

For some Blu-ray media types only UDF 2.50 can be used.  UDF 2.50 burns at a slightly slower speed regardless of which speed setting is set.  Only UDF 2.50 or UDF 2.60 can be used for Blu-ray discs.  All other file systems will cause immediate disc rejections.

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Article Details
Views: 9113 Created on: Sep 29, 2014
Date updated: Nov 17, 2015
