> Knowledge base> Article: Label Stock jams before entering the Fuser - Error 201.xx or 202.xx

Label Stock jams before entering the Fuser - Error 201.xx or 202.xx

Article ID: 44932 Print
Label Stock jams before entering the Fuser - Error 201.xx or 202.xx



Label Stock jams before entering the Fuser - Error 201.xx or 202.xx

The stock may be too thick. Check the information below. If it is too thick you can attach a leader using known working stock. This will allow the stock to be pulled through the fuser. Once pulled through the fuser, it will work from that point forward.

Thickness (Facestock only)

Mil = 2 - 6
Caliper(Inches) = .002 - .006
Millimeters = .0508 - .15
Grams/sq meter = 34 - 116

**Above does not include standard 3 mil linerPaper stock in the above range will feed through the CX1200 printer without problems. Depending upon operating environment, Polyester stocks in this range will also feed through the printer without problems. However, 2-3 mil Polyester does curl as it exits the printer. In more humid environments this curling becomes more severe and could cause the paper to jam before it enters the fuser. Stock thicker than 6 mill will intermittently jam before entering the fuser. This can be solved by attaching a thinner leader material to the thicker stock.

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Article Details
Views: 5633 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Apr 25, 2016
