> Knowledge base> Article: How often do I need to replace the CX1200 ITU, Fuser and Waste Toner Receptacle?

How often do I need to replace the CX1200 ITU, Fuser and Waste Toner Receptacle?

Article ID: 44936 Print
How often do I need to replace the CX1200 ITU, Fuser and Waste Toner Receptacle?



How often do I need to replace the CX1200 ITU, Fuser and Waste Toner Receptacle?
  • ITU = Replace every 120,000 pages* (11.5" page) 115 rolls of standard 1250' paper.
  • FUSER = Replace every 120,000 pages* (11.5" page) 115 rolls of standard 1250' paper.
  • WASTE TONER RECEPTACLE = This is highly variable.  It depends on how many times jobs are canceled and direct printing on the ITU occurs. 

*These numbers are estimates of ITU or Fuser life.  This is NOT a guarantee or warranty.  Many factors affect actual ITU or Fuser life.

See this article for concerns about defective ITUs or Fusers.

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Article Details
Views: 7088 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Feb 05, 2016
