> Knowledge base> Article: The paper is walking to the front and back of the lower take-up mandrel. Sometimes it rides up on t

The paper is walking to the front and back of the lower take-up mandrel. Sometimes it rides up on the lower take-up mandrel clear guide and wrinkles the paper and other times it goes too far forward. (FX1200)

Article ID: 44850 Print
The paper is walking to the front and back of the lower take-up mandrel. Sometimes it rides up on the lower take-up mandrel clear guide and wrinkles the paper and other times it goes too far forward. (FX1200)


The paper is walking to the front and back of the lower take-up mandrel.  Sometimes it rides up on the lower take-up mandrel clear guide and wrinkles the paper and other times it goes too far forward.  (FX1200)

1. Make sure guides 3 and 4 closest to the cutter are touching the web.  See page 36 of the manual for Guide Reference. 
2. Make sure guide 6 before the output nip roller is less than 1mm from the edge of the web on either side. 
3. Make sure there is no adhesive build-up or a stuck label on the either nip roller.  This will cause uneven tension and cause the web to walk. 
4. Make sure that you tape the web straight on the lower take-up core.
5. Make sure the distance behind the clear plastic guide and the cover plate is equal on both the supply mandrel, lower take-up mandrel and upper-take-up mandrel.

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Views: 4689 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: May 16, 2016
