> Knowledge base> Article: The CX1200 prints only blank pages if when printing an all black label and eventually displays Paper

The CX1200 prints only blank pages if when printing an all black label and eventually displays Paper Jam 250.66 (CX1200).

Article ID: 44918 Print
The CX1200 prints only blank pages if when printing an all black label and eventually displays Paper Jam 250.66(CX1200).



1. Make Sure the PreDiecut check box in the Status Monitor is NOT checked if you have a CX1200.  

2. If the printer receives only black printing data it will not work for more than one page. Make sure "Print in Black in White" is NOT checked in the printer driver settings (setup button in PTPrint print window).  The printer does not work with this setting checked.

3. If printing a black only image make sure to set the Color Saver setting to OFF.

4. If you must print with the Color Saver setting ON you will need to add a small color dot outside of the cut area in the waste matrix. You can add this dot of color in PTPrint just before printing using the shape tools in the program.

Color Saver is described in more detail in this article.

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Article Details
Views: 8155 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Oct 05, 2018
