> Knowledge base> Article: CX1200 displays Paper Jam Error 200.28 in A,B,D - or 202.30 in D, K, L.

CX1200 displays Paper Jam Error 200.28 in A,B,D - or 202.30 in D, K, L.

Article ID: 44943 Print
CX1200 displays Paper Jam Error 200.28 in A,B,D - or 202.30 in D, K, L.


200.28 A, B, D = Input sensor tripped. Focus on the left side of the printer.

202.30 D, K, L = Output (fuser) sensor tripped. Focus on the right side of the printer.

There are many different paper sensors in the CX1200. Either of these errors means one of the sensors is tripped. The first step for any paper jam error is to completely disassemble the components of the printer in the paper path.

1. Follow the instructions in the manual to remove the fuser and ITU. The fuser may be further disassembled by removing the roller cover held in place by the spring loaded gray plastic clips.

Warning! The fuser will be very hot. If you notice an obvious paper jam melted media around the fuser roller, wait until the fuser is cool before attempting to remove it.

Important! If you encounter a media/paper obstruction during the removal of these two items it is extremely important that you remove the media by pulling it to the right (the same direction of the paper feed). If you pull paper in the opposite direction it is possible that you may damage 1 of 2 mechanical sensors located at the entry and exit points of the printer.

2. If you do not find any paper jams after disassembling the ITU and fuser, it is possible that you may be pushing the paper too far into the printer when loading the stock. Make sure the paper does not go past the red stop block printed on the feeder door.

3. If none of the above clears the jam, you either have a small piece of paper debris covering the sensor that is not visible or one of two sensors is damaged. Perform a BASE SENSOR TEST from the diagnostics menu of the printer to determine which specific sensor is blocked. Access the diagnostic menu by powering up the unit while holding down the right and down arrow buttons on the control panel.

Scroll down until you find the "Base Sensor Test" menu item. Select it by pressing the check button. The test will immediately be performed. Scroll through the list to view the results of each sensor. You may have to press the right arrow to view the results of any given sensor. Clear = Sensor is OK. Present = sensor is tripped.

Below are two diagrams of the sensor locations in the printer.

A. If S2 or NMS is found to be "Present" and you are sure there is no paper blocking the path, the sensor may be stuck in the up position. Remove the cartridges and ITU to access the sensor bar area. You can lightly press down on the plastic flag to cause it to drop down into its normal position.

If the S2 or NMS is found to be "Clear" it is still possible that either of the sensor flags are broken. The sensor can break if a paper jam is remove by pulling paper to the left (input) side of the printer instead of the right (output) side. These flags hang down into the paper path. As the paper passes underneath, the flags are lifted up causing the sensor to trigger. If the flag is broken it will not lift and the sensor will not trigger. This causes a false paper jam error. To test for this condition, before running the Base Sensor Test again, insert a sheet of paper into the printer so at least 3" of the sheet is no longer visible. This should trigger the sensors. Make sure to get the paper inserted as close to the back of the printer as possible so both the S2 and NMS are triggered. Run the Base Sensor Test again. Both S2 and NMS should read "Present" If either still reads "Clear" you know that sensor is broken. You will need a new sensor. These can be installed using instructions from tech support. If the S2 sensor is broken, the NMS sensor can be used as a temporary replacement.  Purchase a replacement sensor here.

B. If Fuser exit sensor is found to be "Present", either replace the fuser or follow these steps to attempt to fix the current fuser.

1. After removing the fuser, detach the heat roller cover by pressing the spring-loaded gray plastic release levers on either side of the fuser.

2. Remove the heat roller cover.

3. Flip up the black plastic paper guide to reveal the paper rollers.

4. The paper sensor will be a small plastic lever located between the 4th and 5th rollers on the right. Remove any obstruction blocking this sensor. If the sensor is missing or broken, the fuser will need replacement.

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Views: 9109 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Aug 17, 2015
