> Knowledge base> Article: CX1200 uses color toner under black even on all black images.

CX1200 uses color toner under black even on all black images.

Article ID: 44945 Print
CX1200 uses color toner under black even on all black images.



CX1200 uses color toner under black even on all black images.

By default the printer is set to use a small amount of color toner under pure black and gray half tones (ColorSaver OFF). This color toner greatly improves black transfer. The result is a smooth black print.

You can turn this feature off in the printer driver.

1. From PTPrint go to file - print. Select Color Label Press - click Setup.

2. Go to the Print Quality Tab. Click the Custom Button. Find the ColorSaver setting. Set it to ON. Click OK and send your print.

ColorSaver ON = No color under black (You are saving color)

  • PROS = Less expensive, fixes rare gradient printing problems
  • CONS = Blacks and grays can look marbled or inconsistent

ColorSaver OFF = Yes color under black (You are not saving color) - Default

  • PROS = Blacks and grays are smooth
  • CONS = Slightly more expensive - possible problem with gradients where distinct color lines may appear


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Article Details
Views: 6359 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Apr 27, 2016
