> Knowledge base> Article: CX1200 prints the following error: Rangecheck offending command SetPageDevice

CX1200 prints the following error: Rangecheck offending command SetPageDevice

Article ID: 44944 Print
CX1200 prints the following error: Rangecheck offending command SetPageDevice



CX1200 prints the following error: Rangecheck offending command SetPageDevice.

The minimum page size height for any print sent to the CX1200 is 8.51" (217mm).  If you send a page equal to or less than 8.5" this is the error that will be printed.

Increase the size of the print via the Layout - Blank Size menu in PTPrint. 

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Article Details
Views: 5353 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Mar 14, 2016
