> Knowledge base> Article: The printed output is longer or stretched so that the size does not match the size of the file on sc

The printed output is longer or stretched so that the size does not match the size of the file on screen. This can cause cuts to be offset. (CX1200)

Article ID: 44957 Print
The printed output is longer or stretched so that the size does not match the size of the file on screen. This can cause cuts to be offset. (CX1200)



The printed output is longer or stretched so that the size does not match the size of the file on screen. This can cause cuts to be offset. (CX1200)

If printed output is longer or stretched so that the size does not match the size of the file on screen, cuts can be offset.  The cut offset may only be noticeable with longer page lengths and cuts that have a very small bleed tolerance.  The fuser pulls the paper during printing.  This causes the image to stretch which affects the height or width of the label depending on the orientation.  The stretch can be eliminated by doing a one time calibration.  Follow these instructions:

1. Open the Status Monitor - Start - All Programs - PTPrint - Status Monitor.

Select the Options tab.

Click the Print Calibration button under the Stretch Calibration section. (Continuous paper should be loaded before clicking Print.)

4. The following calibration print will print to the Printer.

5. Measure the lines on the calibration print.  Enter the letter below the line which measures closest to 10.00 inches.  (Each line differs in length by .01 inch)

6. Click Set.

In most cases, performing this calibration once will be sufficient.  However, it may be necessary to run the calibration again if the fuser is replaced.

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Article Details
Views: 8230 Created on: May 25, 2014
Date updated: Mar 08, 2016
