> Knowledge base> Article: Install Failed -or- You are not allowed to install the software in the default location on the volum

Install Failed -or- You are not allowed to install the software in the default location on the volume Macintosh HD -or- Installer crashes/quits before finishing install (Mac Only).

Article ID: 44697 Print
Install Failed -or- You are not allowed to install the software in the default location on the volume Macintosh HD -or- Installer crashes/quits before finishing install (Mac Only).


Install Failed -or- You are not allowed to install the software in the default location on the volume Macintosh HD -or- Installer crashes/quits before finishing install (Mac Only).

If you receive this message when attempting to install the Bravo software on your Mac try the following:

1. Receipts. Sometimes it is necessary to delete installation receipts of previous versions. Receipts are located in the Hard Drive - Library - Receipts folder. It will be named the same or similar to the install package name. Example: Discribe.pkg.

2. Previous Versions. Make sure all previous versions of the Bravo software have been removed. If you attempt to install over the top of the old software you may get this message. Remove software first by deleting it from the applications directory and also removing the receipt from the Hard drive - Library - Receipts folder.

3. User Rights. Make sure your username has Administrative rights on the Mac. Go to Apple - Preferences - Users - You should see your username and the word "Admin" underneath.

4. Folder Rights. You may not have rights to install to specific folders into which the installer must install files. Click here to set folder access rights for any admin user.

5. Drag to desktop. Try dragging each installer package from the CD to your desktop. Now run each installer separately. (Run each .pkg file)

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Article Details
Views: 5100 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: May 26, 2016

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