> Knowledge base> Article: There are no devices compatible with this template. Would you like to print on plain paper? (Error

There are no devices compatible with this template. Would you like to print on plain paper? (Error received when printing from SureThing or PTPublisher)

Article ID: 50239 Print
There are no devices compatible with this template. Would you like to print on plain paper? (Error received when printing from SureThing or PTPublisher)


An incorrect template was setup for your print file.  This usually happens when you have imported the template from a lower version of SureThing.

1. Open the file you are trying to print in SureThing.

2. The template name will appear at the top of the design in blue.  Click on it.

3. Now change the template to Disc Publisher 120mm Disc-Full Face or Disc Publisher 120mm Disc-Standard Face.  Click OK.

4. Save the file.

5. Try printing again.

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Article Details
Views: 6054 Created on: Aug 01, 2014
Date updated: Nov 18, 2015
